Understanding Autism through an affirming lens
Non-Government Organisation supporting Autistic girls, women and gender diverse individuals
Best Practice Guidelines
Girls, women, gender diversity
Autistic/PDAer parent to autistic/PDA children, educator
Autistic music therapist
AuDHD Psychologist
Autistic/PDAer parent to autistic/PDA children, educator
Autistic music therapist
AuDHD Psychologist
ADHD + Autistic + boldly me
This channel is my ADHD toolbox -- a place to keep all the strategies I've learned about having & living with ADHD.
This channel is dedicated to disseminating the science about ADHD.
ADHD + Autistic + boldly me
This channel is my ADHD toolbox -- a place to keep all the strategies I've learned about having & living with ADHD.
This channel is dedicated to disseminating the science about ADHD.
Chloe Hayden
Sonny Jane Wise
Jennifer Kemp
Devon Price
I recognise the Giabal and Jarowar people as traditional owners of the country where I live and work. I recognise and celebrate the diversity of Indigenous people and their enduring cultures and connections to the land and waters of Australia. I acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded; always was, always will be Aboriginal land.
I also acknowledge people with lived experience of neurodivergence, LGBTQI+, mental ill-health, disability, and minority groups and the experience of people who have been carers, families, or supporters.
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